Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mr Gary Ottewill

Date submitted
9 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

A cargo airport at Manston will be a disaster for the local economy.

Attracted by the unspoilt beauty, and clean environment I moved to Ramsgate from London five years ago. During that time I purchased a property and employed local builders, electricians, plumbers, contractors and tradesmen. All have benefited from my investment in the region, helping their businesses to thrive and grow. I am not alone. It is now a common sight to see properties being renovated, improving the town and reversing years of neglect and lack of investment.

Regeneration has been funded from people like me who have fallen in love with Ramsgate and want to see it improved for the benefit of all. This have been achieved without money from Government and the benefits to the local economy are plain to see.

Properties, many of them having listed status, are being renovated. New restaurants, cafes and hotels are opening. Businesses are reinvesting their upturn in trade, many of which are independents that employ local people. Much of this has been through trade from customers like myself. We appreciate their efforts and endeavour to keep them open through the tourist off season. We invite friends relatives and work colleagues to visit and stay. They bring with them money to spend. Some have liked the area so much they have also invested in the town, further increasing the local economy.

Much of this is likely to stop with the opening of a cargo airport at Manston.

Guests and visitors will no longer want to stay in a town that has cargo aircraft flying overhead. Local businesses will notice a drop off in trade. Employee numbers will fall. Small independent businesses will decline and close or relocate. The goods and services that support these businesses will suffer. Hotels, air BnBs, guest houses will be less attractive. The thriving creative industry will relocate.

People who can, will move away.

Ramsgate will again head into a spiral of decline. The area will be less attractive to investors from London. The environment will be noisy, dirty and unhealthy. The transport links to the area will be full of lorries. Commuters will no longer travel to London after a night of broken sleep. East Kent as a whole will be blighted and visitor numbers will fall.

I urge you to consider the economy of the region and to compare this to a handful of jobs that could be created at a cargo airport at Manston. Tourism growth here is one of the highest in the country, bringing with it benefits to the local economy and tax income to Government. Holiday makers, students and workers from Europe bring money to spend.

I will not be alone in moving away should the cargo airport at Manston open. Please think of the bigger picture, surely the local economy contributes more to the national coffers than this cargo airport?

Yours sincerely Gary Ottewill [Redacted]