Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Lynne Skevington

Date submitted
9 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not want night flights ruining the peace and beauty of living here. I do not want the airport at sll. We need the housing, jobs and infrastructure planned for maston not this nonsense of another failed airport. The last thing this area needs is an rxpensive white elephant/failure.

I believe that reopening Manston as an aiport will have a massively detrimental effect on the quality of life for the people of thanet. The air and noise polution will be life shortening and the local tourist evonomy will grind to a hault. There will be minimal jobs created and people who work outside Thanet will have great difficulty getting there as the infrastructural changes will be immense, the airport will have folded by the time the road works even start. The extra housing planned for the site will be pushed into pepperpot sites thoughout Thanet, increasing the density a few hundred at a time and without the infrastrucute and provision a large scale development has to provide. Freight will not want to use the airport as it will have higher transport costs to just about anywhere in the country outside east kent, unless of course it allows them to use planes banned from all the other airports that may be cheaper to get space on. I see no benefit in Manston Airport for anyone other that the proposing company to use it as a tax write off when it folds, not that they are a british tax paying company anyway.