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Representation by Julia Phibbs

Date submitted
10 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sleep deprivation and a human right to uninterrupted periods of concentration to enable quality thinking and development of working processes. Before living in Ramsgate I lived in Reading very near to Heathrow and its daily flight path. I also unfortunately lived in a street that was 50% students. The impact of the students was such that every night my family and I were woken multiple times throughout the evening, more so on a weekend to the shouts of students, banging taxi doors, hooting horns,loud parties and more. Added to this the constant noise of planes overhead I even taught during the years of Concorde. Teaching had to be suspended whilst they flew overhead. The sum total of all the noise pollution and interruption were that I had come to accept and believe that tiredness was just a normal condition of life. I was not enjoying where I was living. Since living in Ramsgate I have realised the impact that 20 yrs of sleep deprivation took on my family and I. I now have more energy, less mental, emotional and physical fatigue. I am more pleasant to be around, I find things easier to deal with and my work has improved due to the ability to hold a thought or conversation without interruption. I would say I represent a large majority of the population who are unable to multitask. I need minimal interruption or 'white noise' to function but sudden, persistent and constant intteruption that the overhead planes from the proposed cargo hub would afford would be life changing and could only be resolved with living with earplugs and ear defenders. Not a good look, lol, and importantly not comfortable or convenient to normal life interactions.