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Representation by David Hayfield

Date submitted
10 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a person who is interested in aviation, both civil and military, the general opinion in the world of flying is that more airports are required to cope with the massive increase in cargo traffic worldwide. The main carriers, Fedex, DHL, etc. are increasing their fleets to cope with the demand and the UK will be left behind if airports are not available in this country. A recent report issued by Boeing states that in excess of half a million pilots and aircraft engineers will be required over the next 20 years and they need to be trained. The training facilities offered by RSP at Manston will be very necessary to cope with demand and to keep the UK in the 'front running' in the industry. The general public locally around Manston are keen to see the airport in action again because it will bring prosperity to an area in desperate need. The general opinion regarding the failures of previous operatives to succeed with the airport is that financial input was seriously neglected by companies who were more interested in making a 'fast buck' with passenger services rather than running a viable long term project.