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Representation by Jonathan Barrett

Date submitted
10 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are no longer at war with Germany Manston was built in the days when aircraft had limited range and it was vital to be as close to Germany as possible. This no longer applies. What does still apply is that Manston's catchment area is 75% in the sea and there is a major historic town right at the end of the runway. I live on the West Cliff of Ramsgate in Central Harbour Ward, directly under the flightpath. I can remember the days when maybe two or three cargo aircraft a day passed over the town. The 200 year old house shook, the windows rattled and it was impossible to hold a conversation. Because it was only two or three flights and not every day, it was bearable and even a novelty. Yet, I can imagine the effect of 100 flights every day of the year and worst of all, many of them during the night. It could seriously damage the health of many people in the town and would destroy the growing tourist industry in Ramsgate.

Other experienced airport operators have tried to develop Manston and failed. It is not a commercially sustainable proposition. And if it did succeed, the jobs that it created would be more than outweighed by the jobs lost in the tourist industry. People would leave Ramsgate because of the noise and pollution.

And, meanwhile, other more sustainable development that would be beneficial to the town, is being held back. That can't be right. I urge you to examine closely the noise and vibration issues and to assess the impact that this would have on a historic town situated so close to the end of the runway.