Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Nick Toy

Date submitted
10 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Manston Airport is a locally and nationally important asset which stands on the threshold of meaningful integration into the national (and indeed international) aviation infrastructure with the proposed DCO. It will be highly significant in the creation of work and career opportunities and the creation of wealth for the Thanet economy. Thanet is in desperate need of economic stimulation and employment and the reversal of social and economic deprivation. Manston as an airfield has been an essential part of the character and economy of Thanet for over 100 years and is an important part of its heritage and its future.

Manston Airport is in an ideal location for aviation and business directly and indirectly connected to it. On the eastern extremity of southern Britain, it is nearest to the continent and beyond and within easy reach of the capital to which it is very well connected. Its geographical and meteorological conditions are ideal for aviation. Surrounded on 3 sides by sea and with a generally very benign climate. Flying operations can very often continue here when they are unable to elsewhere.

With the political and economical future currently facing the UK, Manston Airport is undoubtedly an asset of great national infrastructure importance and it would be a grave mistake if this opportunity to develop it into a modern state -of-the-art aviation facility was lost.

An important matter to bear in mind when considering Manston Airport as a NSIP is the future. Aviation is going to evolve to more sustainable forms in the near to medium term future. These include airships and hybrids as well as electric powered fixed and rotary-winged heavier-than-air aircraft. These will be in a different order of performance than currently employed jet aircraft - very much slower. Manston is ideally positioned for the commercial operation of such aircraft types being as close as possible to the continent thus cutting flying time and costs significantly to reach destinations in Europe and Asia. The meteorological conditions are also very suitable, being generally very benign and one of the areas in the UK least subject to turbulent south westerly weather systems. So, for future directions in the aviation sector Manston is an asset to be considered very seriously, particularly as the UK is likely to have to trade very vigorously independanrly overseas for its economic prosperity