Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Emma Kenyon

Date submitted
10 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to the possibility of Manston Airport re-opening and I am objecting to the possibility of it becoming a cargo hub with predominantly night flights.

I have grave concerns about the noise levels. I live directly under the proposed flight path with my husband and [Redacted] daughter. I am most concerned about the effect of disturbed sleep for us all but particularly my daughter. As I understand, RSP are proposing no cap on the number of night flights and are proposing to allow flights at night that are louder than Heathrow allows. The volume of noise from night flights will be considerable, and as we are in an old listed property, we will not be able to add double glazing to the windows. There is evidence that disturbed sleep in children can disrupt the development of their brains. I do not want to jeopardise the future of my child.

I am also deeply unhappy about the environmental impact of flying and of the additional road haulage that would be necessary to run Masnton airport. I try, where I can, to be as green as possible. These days I rarely fly due to the environmental impact. I believe we are not caring for this planet as we should be and I find it hard to see the benefit to our environment both local and more globally by re-opening an airport, when there are already other airports in the south east and not a problem with capacity for freight.