Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Francesca Day

Date submitted
11 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Ramsgate i am against the proposed plan for Manston airport to be made into a freight airport. I moved here from London to have a quieter life away from all the hustle and bustle and the pollution. I fear this will have a detrimental affect on the environment both with air pollution and the increase in lorry fumes due to the increase in traffic. This will affect our natural wildlife both on land and in the sea. I am also concerned about the health of my family and myself with so much noise caused by the flights coming over which are very close to my home. My grandson who is only [Redacted] will have disturbed sleep affecting his education and his rest time. I am in my 70's and had planned on making Ramsgate my home until i am no longer around and do not want to have the worry of moving at my age. It worries me that people will move away making house prices devalue and have a very negative affect on the locally economy. My Granddaughter has worked very hard to build up two very successful salons and i fear this would be jeopardised by the problems opening up the airport to freight will cause.