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Representation by Thomas Norton

Date submitted
23 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am totally against the application to build a freight hub at Manston. I live on the Nethercourt Estate in Ramsgate.

The plans, if implemented, would be an environmental disaster for me and thousands of other people.

We have been told that RSP has no limit on Air Traffic Movements during the night despite it’s “worst case” assumption of 8 flights per night, which was quoted at one of the Herne Bay consultation meeting earlier this year. It now seems that they are applying for a quota count system which could mean unlimited night flights. When |I attended a meeting a couple of months ago I was told that there would be no night flights. This meeting was held at the Comfort Inn, Ramsgate, and was not notified to the Nethercourt estate by leaflet, so many people whom will be affected have been kept in the dark about it.

A few years ago we suffered with old freight planes going over our houses at about 450ft day and night, with decibel readings of 90db. It will be the same again but all night long, so all residents will suffer with a lack of sleep, resulting in many health problems and thus putting a further strain on the Health Service.

When the airport was operational I was diagnosed with [Redacted], which I never had before. I was prescribed [Redacted]. Since the airport closed I have not needed any [Redacted] has gone. The only conclusion is that it was caused by the pollution from the planes, as this is the only thing that has changed. No planes, no pollution, no [Redacted]!

Many children live on this estate, and the whole area, their learning ability will be affected due to being constantly awoken during the night. They will be unable to concentrate at school, let alone hear what is being taught, this will affect their future prospects in life.

In the RSP documentation it says that it will have a permanent adverse effect on the area and people’s lives.

Ramsgate has just begun to thrive and the area has improved for the better. A cargo hub would stop people investing in the area and many jobs would be lost. Tourism in the area would fall, as no-one will want to visit an area where you cannot hear what is being said to you or it is impossible to get any sleep!

There is no evidence that we need a freight hub anywhere in the country as there is adequate capacity at existing airports. To want to put it on the doorstep of so many people is ridiculous. It would affect not just the lives of the people of Thanet, but also the surrounding area as the roads are already full with current traffic, to propose even more lorries transporting freight and fuel to and from Manston would be a nightmare.

The wildlife in the area will also be affected. The number of birds in our garden alone fell dramatically whilst the airport was in operation and since its closure is just beginning to recover, we have the birds returning at last! So it must affect the nature reserves in the area as well.