Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Susan Girdler

Date submitted
1 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the re-opening of Manston as an Airport for the following reasons: 1. Manston has a runway which is 2752 m long. If houses are built on this runway where, other than the proposed runway at Heathrow, are you going to build new runways for the future. 2. If we are to build houses for the people of Thanet then they have to have jobs that meet the criteria for a mortgage. Manston offers the potential to provide those jobs and much more if the DCO succeeds. 3. Gatwick and Heathrow are approaching capacity, some would say they are already at capacity, Manston is ideally situated close to London to be able to accept some of the traffic and relieve some of the capacity issues facing the London Airports. Manston now has the road links and proposed rail links required of an international airport. 4. Brexit is looming and we still have no deal, it is imperative that we have the capacity to be able to import and export abroad beyond Europe. 5. Airlines have to carry out training flights and proving flights. These flights can not be carried out at the major London airports. Manston is ideally placed to accept these flights. 6. There is a pilot shortage both in this Country and abroad, if we continue to allow airfields that accept General Aviation to close there will be a knock on affect on pilot training. 7. With traffic on all major roads increasing it is important that we look at other means of connectivity across the country. Regional airports such as Manston can provide that connectivity. 8. Thanet has both an airport and a sea port that if used to their potential could bring massive benefit not only to the people of Thanet but to the Country as a whole. 9. Manston in the past was a Master Diversion Airfield and with so many military airfields closing, it could once again act as a diversion in case of emergency not only for military aircraft but civilian aircraft too.