Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Steve Wheeler

Date submitted
1 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have severe concerns about Manston being returned to a functioning airport, specifically that of a cargo hub that will result in night flights over Ramsgate.

As a resident with a young child I am concerned air and noise pollution should the proposed cargo hub become operational.

I am concerned that the applicant RSP have no experience of running a freight hub of the scale proposed and I also question their motivations considering the inconsistencies of their past bids to return Manston into an airport.

The fact that Manston airport has been previously unsustainable as a business and several independent reports have concluded that it is still unviable suggests there are fundamental flaws in the RSP proposal.

Thanet does not have a sufficient road structure to cope with heavy freight coming in and out of the area

I also have concerns about the impact on Ramsgate's tourist trade. Ramsgate has the largest conservation area of Regency and Victorian houses in the country particularly difficult to insulate and susceptible to vibration.