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Representation by Mrs Jenny Seatherton MBE

Date submitted
2 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My husband and I have lived in Broomfield for the last 8 years. At the beginning we had passenger planes going over to land. At the time this was not too bad, however, I object strongly to the possibility of cargo night flights as this will reduce the value of our property when we come to sell, plus our ability to sleep at nights being a crucial point. Cargo flights are not light Aircraft, and to have so many proposed night flights would mean that the hours between 12 midnight and 6 am in the morning our sleep would be interrupted. I lived many years ago under the flight path at Heathrow and never any aircraft went overhead during the night This proposal will not bring jobs to Thanet as Airlines will bring their own Employees. The Airport is too far down south and it will need an enormous amount of infrastructure built! People in Thanet need JOBS!