Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Stanley Thompson

Date submitted
2 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We do not want a Airport to open night or day. We moved out of London, my wife and I because of the polution and traffic an the noise, we were near the A2 and it did affect our health, so we thought we would get some fresh air. As well as the poluation from the fumes and noise which will affect everybody, schools, hospitals, the town. Broadstairs, Pegwell Bay & Holiday Makers. There isn't the only polution from the aircraft, there will be thousands of extra lorries on the rd, causing congestion. its bad enough now with the congestion, if the airport happened to open,w eould have to move, like hundreds of other people, which are mostly elderly. We live on the Nethercourt Estate, which is right under the flight path which is the main area you would be looking at

We do not want a Airport to open at all