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Representation by Unrepresented Thanet residents against a cargo-hub (Unrepresented Thanet residents against a cargo-hub)

Date submitted
2 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

“Unrepresented Thanet residents against a cargo-hub” We believe that RSP has not even come close to establishing the need for a cargo-hub at Manston or indeed anywhere else in the UK. RSP’s submission depends heavily on work by[Redacted]of Azimuth Associates. We contend that many of her findings are seriously flawed. To support this view we will cite professional studies carried out on behalf of Thanet District Council, itself an essentially pro cargo-hub body, that come to very different conclusions, finding little or no grounds to support such a development. We also believe that a successful air freight hub at Manston would have a very negative impact on Thanet, Herne Bay and surrounding areas. Ramsgate would be the worst affected and would become a particularly unpleasant, undesirable and unhealthy town in which to live, work and attend school. We know this because many of us have experienced the adverse effects of commercial air-freight operations at Manston, albeit on a far smaller scale than proposed by RSP. We should be feeling confident that there is very little chance of this application succeeding. Unfortunately this is far from the case. Normally, when people are faced with a proposal that will certainly blight their lives, they can look to their MPs to do their utmost to protect them. After all, MPs are expected to safeguard constituents’ interests to the very best of their abilities. Our two local MPs are failing in this regard. Both appear to be enthusiastic supporters of RSP’s plans and one seems proud to talk about the influence he wields in this matter. We cannot understand their attitude when, like everyone else, they have access to the TDC commissioned reports and the painstaking research carried out by local people opposed to RSP’s plans. This apparently irrational support might be explained if the MPs are privy to information withheld from Thanet residents and other interested parties. It is baffling and worrying to see a local MP acting almost like a spokesman for one private company that wants another private company's land. Given our MP’s disproportionate influence by virtue of their access to the media and government, this leaves us feeling very exposed and nervous. We would like you to put RSP’s justification for designating its project as one of national importance to the strongest of tests, and also pay particular attention to the effects of noise and air pollution inherent in the level of operations proposed by RSP. Thank you.