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Representation by Mrs Valerie Smart

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to bring to your attention as to why I disagree with the proposed opening of Manston Airport. I am 72 years of age and not in good health, my husband is [Redacted] and we have small dogs. If the airport was to open we would have planes (cargo) and commercial flying over our bungalow every half an hour and the noise levels will be unbearable let alone trying to rest in your garden. The polluti9on would affect my health and cause me very serious breathing problems also the fuel they jettison would be all over the garden and any washing that may be drying would certainly be covered in oil. Also I would not et too sleep at night (or any other time) this would greatly affect my mental health. The wild life would also be affected, it also take 6 fuel tankers to fil 1 plane x 24 that equals 148 lorries in/out of Mnaston on our already congested roads.