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Representation by The Residencts of the Foster Household (The Residencts of the Foster Household )

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We write to OPPOSE River Oak’s proposal for Manston Airport. Just some of our reasons for this opposition are highlighted below.

Ramsgate, and the Thanet area in general, has undergone something of a Renaissance in recent years. Private investment in homes and small businesses, such as the refurbishment of large seafront properties and numerous new bars and restaurants around the Royal Harbour, are testament to this. Many people have migrated to enjoy the amenities the area offers.

Visitors from cities and suburbia come to the area for the Blue Flag beaches, pollution-free air and peace and quiet. This Heritage Area has numerous Listed Buildings which could be vulnerable to low-flying aircraft. The noise and pollution from old, large cargo planes would be detrimental to the community and wildlife alike and does not align with the country’s ‘green’ commitments.

The transport infrastructure, not only locally but also throughout Kent, is insufficient to cope with more haulage vehicles which would be involved with transporting cargo to and from Manston. The M2, mostly a two-lane motorway, is already at capacity and the local roads are narrow and inadequate to cope. The Council seems incapable of coping with potholes and generally keeping the roads up to a good standard. Manston is not in a central position in the country and is therefore not a good distribution hub for cargo, especially considering the spare cargo capacity at East Midlands and Stanstead airports.

River Oak do not appear to be a viable and trustworthy partner for the Council and it is feared the taxpayers would be the losers once again, as was the case with the old ferry business. The Council do not have competent business knowledge and experience to negotiate and work with companies that are not local and do not have the welfare of the area at its heart.

The Council should be concentrating on preserving, maintaining and improving our major assets such as the Royal Harbour, beaches, surrounding countryside and important nature reserves. Local residents want clean streets, good transport and shops supporting the local population.

Susan and Thomas Foster