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Representation by James Hose

Date submitted
5 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to RiverOak’s proposals as being unrealistic and detrimental to the wellbeing of the local residents of Thanet.

I do not believe RivderOak is a viable company to progress the application for a NSIP. 90% of the company is owned by an offshore company.

They show no evidence of having the £300 million available to fulfil the construction.

One of the directors is a [Redacted] who raises concern locally. He is well known in the area as having been involved with previous failed attempts to regenerate this and other airports.

I do not believe regenerating a closed airport qualifies as a NSIP.

They claim to generate 10,000 cargo movements per year. This figure has been put forward to fulfil the requirements of the DCO, and that purpose alone.

Various projections are made by RiverOak which are aspirational or based on wishful thinking with no grounding in reality.

The documentation claims the airport is located 4km from Ramsgate, this is wrong.

A link road is to be built from the Lord of the Manor roundabout to Manson Road. This would cross the land RiverOak are seeking to compulsory acquire.

Due to the proximity of Manston airport to the populated area of Ramsgate the proposals are inappropriate for the area.

RiverOak state that Thanet will be blighted by noise.

They have requested an excessive Night Time Quota Count of 4000, plus a further Quota Count of 2000 in the shoulder period for passenger flights.

How can noise nuisance be monitored if the monitoring stations are further away from the airport than the affected homes?

They wrongly claim without a DCO the future of the airport is one of decay and abandonment.

Since the closure of the site most of the equipment has been removed and sold off.

The airport no longer holds an airport licence

The site cannot claim to be the only option for a cargo hub.

Housing is a government priority.

The airport is underlain by an aquifer that provides 70% of water to Thanet. This risks contamination from airport activity

Between 1990 and 2005 air traffic and emissions of CO2 have both increased by about 80%.

Aviation is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Air freight is the least efficient mode of transport and the most polluting.

Having chosen air freight as their focus items will need to be transported to the airport, generating more HGV’s locally, resulting in more wear on our road system and an increase in congestion.

Manston Airport is one hour drive from the M25 along Thanet Way

The Jentex site already has planning consent for sheltered housing.

Economic benefits remain unproven. They offer no evidence as to were the 30,000 jobs will materialise from.

A proposal for Manston Airport to become a ‘reliever’ airport was dismissed by the Davies Airport Commission Report.

Various reports have been conducted on the viability of Manston Airport and concluded that Manston Airport is not viable.