Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Michael Dark

Date submitted
5 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the reopening of Manston Airport on the grounds of the impact it would have on my quality of life and the nature reserve at Pegwell Bay. From a personal perspective I purchased my bungalow in Ramsgate when the airport had been shut for 18 months and had no realistic prospects of re-opening. The bungalow is sited just over half a mile from the southern end of the runway on a straight line towards the eastern edge of Pegwell Bay which is a mile away. As such my bungalow is directly under the flight path and I would have 747 size aircraft 100 feet above my roof when they come in to land over the sea. The property had been essentially untouched since being built in 1972 so I have spent tens of thousands of pounds on modernising it. The blight on the property caused by the proximity of the airport means that this investment and much of the original purchase price would be irrecoverable. In addition the bungalow is intended to be my retirement home and to provide me with a good quality of life as I age (I am now 66). The presence of a large freight airport so close would mean that I would experience horrendous noise and air polution with no respite for the remainder of my life as Riveroak's plans would mean a flight every 30 minutes for 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Without nightflights the interval drops to 15 minutes per aircraft movement. The physical and mental health risks associated with such polution and the associated infrastructure are totally unacceptable in my view irrrespective of the ages of the affected population - and are likely to mean even more demand on the already hard pressed NHS provision of care in the Thanet area. From a less personal perspective I would also refer to the gridlock that the movement of high volumes of freight would cause in the surrounding area and much of north Kent where most roads are not dual carriageways. Now I come to the impact on Pegwell Bay nature reserve, especially as it is recognised as one of Europe's major sites for migrating birds. An airport of the size proposed would inevitably result in the loss of habitat for the vast array of birds that are currently present throughout the year as they would be in constant danger should the airport reopen, and would have to find new habitats.