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Representation by Pegwell & District Association (Pegwell & District Association)

Date submitted
5 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The principal areas of concern on which we, Pegwell & District Association (PDA), will wish to base submissions to the main examination are summarised below. We wish to reserve the right to respond to any additional issues highlighted by the Inspector, or to additional evidence provided in support of the application.

Environmental Impacts: We are concerned about potential loss of biodiversity and habitats through breaches of the regulations on Conservation of Habitats and Species and directives on Habitats and Wild Birds, especially given the recent ‘POW’ (People Over Wind) judgment on the Habitats Directive.

Pollution: We doubt the impacts to human and environmental health from air, noise, water and light pollution can be sufficiently controlled as claimed by the applicant; we have particular concerns relating to noise and air pollution as well as the risk of uncontrolled spillages draining into Pegwell Bay, an internationally important site for wildlife (Ramsar, Site of Special Scientific Interest, Special Protection Area).

Night Flights: We fear that cargo operations considered unacceptable at other airports could be targeted for Manston, particularly in relation to night flights and noisier planes, also resulting in increased road traffic and light pollution.

Employment Forecasts: We are sceptical about the applicant’s employment forecasts. Previous projections from previous Manston operators were often wildly overstated, while the latest forecasts are similarly unconvincing. Thanet needs to strengthen its employment offer but we doubt that the airport operations described by RSP provide the solution.