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Representation by Matt Feekings

Date submitted
5 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Consultation: Having lived under the flight path in St Nicholas at Wade at a distance of approx 5km, we were never consulted, as confirmed by our Parish chair. This should be an ‘inclusive’ project, as it’s promoted to be for the benefit of the Thanet people and economy, yet many have simply been ignored. Not only do I feel there has been insufficient consultation with those in its flight paths, but also, because of the way night flights have been masked, the Inspectorate should challenge this. There has not been a transparent, open and public consultation on night flights since 2015. Its result was that Thanet residents didn’t want them.

Night flights: Having lived here during previous Manston operations, we can state without any specialist qualification that the night flights woke us every time they passed over. Our daughter, now [Redacted], has [Redacted] and requires medication to settle at night time. The slightest sound or disturbance and she is up for hours, unable to calm and settle. We are just one, I’m sure, of hundreds of families unaware of living in range of this disturbance.

Everyone that makes contact with the two local MP’s are told “there is no plan for night flights”, yet it’s clearly in the application along with a QC request of 3028. Faith in the local MP’s has been lost because they first stated RSP were told by the Inspectorate to include it in their application. After the Inspectorate confirmed this was not true, the message changed to it being needed for aid, emergency and VIP flights. As this also is not true (as they do not qualify as part of the QC), the local MP’s are now stating that just because RSP apply for it, doesn’t mean they will use it and as we live near an airport (although closed), we should expect it to be operational.

Health impact: The impacts on human health from flights in and around residential properties are well documented and this particular application is very clear in stating that we (in Ramsgate, Manston, Wade, West Stourmouth and Pegwell Bay) will “endure significant adverse effects as a result of an increase in noise” & “Aircraft noise would increase to the point where there would be a perceived change in quality of life”(5.1 Non-Technical Summary). I have videos of aircraft passing overhead before it closed, that clearly demonstrate the visual and audible effect everyone in this village (and others) would suffer. Noise levels in this application make no sense.

Transport: The numbers of additional vehicle movements proposed in this application, will bring Thanet and adjoining districts to a standstill. As it is a hypothetical belief that free movement will add value to the UK freight industry, please review (with a view to update) traffic data for all highways listed in the RSP application, as without significant widening and improvement, they will not cope. The effect of this would likely delay freight getting out of the area and prevents transport companies investing.