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Representation by Jacqueline Ansell

Date submitted
6 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I write (1) as a mother of four (for whom health and jobs are a priority) (2) as a resident of Ramsgate and (3) as an academic – a historian specialising in heritage & regeneration. 1/ I argue that RSP have not established a compelling case for a DCO in the National Interest. They, their finances, their business model, the promises that they made to the public at the consultations do not stack up. Where is their money coming from? Where will their freight come from? Where to? How? How would our transport infrastructure cope? And Why would any reputable operators choose a multi-failed airport, run by a man with a track record of failure in aviation-related business [Redacted]? How can they ensure that jobs gained at the airport would not be lost to tourism (our major local employer)?

At consultations I heard RSP tell different things to different people, and promise passenger flights, and an airport to prevent housing (untrue, it would merely displace it). [Redacted] himself told me the airport would provide ’50 jobs after 3 years’ – numbers wildly inflated in the current documentation, which focusses on cargo. Thanet MPs tell us that night flights won’t be needed, but RSP’s documents and business plan rely on them. Putting aside my personal concern that this is an attempted ‘land grab’ – and that their business case and funding are unviable I will therefore focus on the impact on Ramsgate should a busy cargo airport ‘take off’.

2/ My family has lived under the flightpath in Ramsgate since 1997 (off Grange Road). At its busiest the noise and air pollution issue forced us to move to Botany Bay, Broadstairs. Here the smell and taste of aviation fuel was palpable, so we moved back to the town we love. Flights during the ‘shoulder’ period always woke us. I would struggle to get my young family to bed by 9.30pm, to be settled enough to fall back asleep after the 11pm flight came (knowing there was only a short window for sleep). The rumble, then roar of the planes would create stress (that built as they approached). The windows would rattle and car alarms would be set off by the vibration. Ear plugs are not an option for parents and carers. You don’t ‘get used to it.

3/ The adverse impact of aviation noise and pollution on physical and mental health is well documented. RSP have deliberately calculated proximity to runway from Ramsgate Harbour, but most of Ramsgate lives much nearer than that. They have placed noise monitors in supporter’s gardens, next to railway tracks and out to sea - to deliberately distort results? Aviation supporter (such as our 2 MPs and local councillor) tell us to ‘move if we don’t like it’. How could we with house prices blighted, and why should we? Ramsgate has a unique maritime heritage and natural environment – blue flag beaches, Pegwell Bay, Sandwich and Monkton Nature reserves. Its built environment is of National significance. Pugin’s ‘Grange’ is a Landmark Trust property drawing tourist spend, as do links with Van Gogh, Turner and the Georgian architecture. Thanet has the highest concentration of listed buildings in SE England. These rattling windows cannot be double-gazed. Does RSP’s compensation plan cover this? Tourist business is economic reality; growing; green; sustainable. Please give Ramsgate a future, by consigning aviation here to the past.