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Representation by Meditation by the Bay (Meditation by the Bay )

Date submitted
6 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We moved to east Kent and established the organisation Meditation By the Bay ([Redacted]) in 2011. We chose this area because of the quality of life and the healthier lifestyle and slower pace it offered. As a meditation school, and the South East regional branch of the British School of Meditation, we promote a healthier lifestyle by example - living somewhere quiet, in tune with its natural surroundings, offering peace serenity and natural beauty. Being on a flight path for 30% or 70% of the cargo flights (Riverside seems to suggests it could be either) would mean that we would potentially lose both our quality of life and our business. Noise pollution, air pollution, congested roads and night flights are hardly conducive to quiet reflection and a healthyier lifestyle. We also, along with many others on this coast, run an Airbnb business for those wishing to get away from the noise and pollution a big city produces. This airport would change all that. Why would people want to come and enjoy a weekend under a flight path?
This cargo airport would mean that East Kent would become less accessible by road, more polluted (both noise pollution and air quality), and would become less of a destination of choice by those wanting a healthier and quieter lifestyle. This would not only be very bad for business for us and for all the health and wellbeing practitioners living and working in East Kent, but would drastically reduce the quality of life of those of us who chose to live here.