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Representation by Anne-Marie Nixey

Date submitted
6 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am extremely worried about the prospect of the current proposal and the effects that it will have on Ramsgate and surrounding area. Having tried reading through the material RSP have submitted, not easily navigable, or entitled with what is in each document even, I am worried on a number of levels.

Firstly, the night time quota proposed is unclear and it suggests that aircraft of a QC4 status would be able to land or arrive at night. I live exactly a mile away from the end of the runway, in a 4 storey 1850's Victorian building, on the highest point in Ramsgate. Planes used to go over this house at approximately 300ft above the roof of the house. Therefore the prospect of night time flying would effect mine, and my family's sleep greatly.

The way that Ramsgate is built, ascending from the sea, with narrow streets banked with tall Georgian, or Victorian houses means that the noise gets funnelled along these streets and amplified. Before when the airport was open it was difficult to hear and hold a conversation as planes landed. With the prospect of 17,000 plus planes coming through it will make life unbearable.

Ramsgate is set next to a nature reserve, what is the impact of the proposed cargo hub on the wildlife and calm nature of the area? I have not seen evidence in the proposal of the effect of this amount of planes and the pollution they bring to historic houses, apart from RSP claiming that Ramsgate and surrounds will be effected. But how? I would like to see evidence of what impact this will have on my neighbourhood and fauna.

Lastly I am greatly concerned why this proposal has even got to this stage. I would like to know where the money is coming from to fund such a project? RSP have no track record of opening up an airport, how then can they be considered for a project of National significance?

With an airport that has failed continually for 15 years as a commercial venture, not even considered in the Davies Report and companies reports, such as the Avia report, the Falcon report and so on have claimed that an airport would not be viable in this area would any company want to DCO it? Have other disused airfields been taken into consideration?