Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mandy Cotter

Date submitted
6 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in Ramsgate since 1986 - I love Thanet, and I believe that to regain the airport would be the best thing for Thanet's future. To throw away this precious asset for the short term gain of housing, would be incredibly short sighted and I believe would be regretted in years to come.

Manston airport if re-opened and run properly as a largely freight-based operation, would be a major asset to not only Thanet, but to the wider South East, and indeed the country as a whole. Locally, it would provide jobs and economic growth to the area. Nationally it would take a substantial portion of the freight burden from Heathrow, as well as being perfectly places as an 'emergency' runway in bad weather or for aircraft in trouble. Manston has one of the widest, longest runways in the country, enabling any kind of aircraft to land there, it makes no sense to lose Manston airport.

In the longer term, as Thanet is becoming once again a tourist destination (with the Turner Contemporary, Dreamland's plans, Ramsgate Tunnels, the regenerated Ramsgate Pavilion, and the numerous 'trendy' new bars and restaurants which are already giving the area a boost) some level of passenger flights would continue that growth. If people can fly in directly to Thanet, that would massively help our tourism industry.

The South East of England already lacks sufficient capacity for freight cargo, and as that sector is anticipated to grow, we will need Manston Airport even more! It’s already perfectly placed to accommodate other aviation-related companies and also for some level of passenger flights later on. Thanet needs Manston Airport back up and running, this time by someone who will run it properly, to create jobs - not just at the airport, but the many supporting businesses too.

If the airport land is allowed to become a housing / mixed use development, Thanet's infrastructure would be at breaking point. The roads can barely cope as it is, the hospitals / schools / doctors etc are at capacity. Housing on the airport site would be a disaster environmentally; Thanet is already short of water, and the airport site is above a main aquifer.

I believe Manston airport is Thanet's future, and we should give the current proposed investors who are putting their money where their mouth is the chance to run it properly - unlike the previous owners of the airport. Manston Airport is viable as a freight operation, with considerable scope for growth and employment in aviation related business.

I am among a large majority of Thanet residents who know that a thriving airport is the best thing for the area - and that a housing development on the Manston site would be the end of Thanet as we know it.

We have a choice here - we either support the airport and let our beautiful island flourish and reach it's true potential, or we build on our biggest asset and ruin what we have forever.