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Representation by Steve Frost

Date submitted
6 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the proposal by RSP to re-open Manston Airport as a Cargo Hub, as I it would do severe damage to the area. I object it as a soon to be a local resident, currently a frequent visitor and a massive admirer of the area. Manston Airport, if re-opened as a Cargo Hub, will make life here unbearable and so people will start selling up and moving out. This would result with falling house prices, closing business, and rapid decrease in tourism and therefore an overall deprivation of this beautiful historic area, which is currently on a static upward to thrive as a creative and intellectual hive and a coastal tourism hotspot. I have only been a visiting Ramsgate since my friends moved here early last year, and even only since then I have witnessed businesses flourish, tourism increase, old properties renovated, and a vibrant and varied community develop. Like me, many people move here for the fresh sea air and relative peace and quiet of a small coastal town. These lives would however be jeopardised by atrocious noise and air pollution, as well as horrendous heavy-duty road traffic resulting from the reopening of the Manston Airport as a Cargo Hub. The local library, parks, allotments, the beach, nurseries and schools provide great places for learning, creativity and leisure, however each of these places, including many homes, lie on or very close to the flight path and would be subjected to intolerably loud and relentless noise should this DCO be awarded. DCO 5.1/ 4.1.46 “....significant adverse effects have been identified as being likely as a result of an increase in noise..” and 4.1.47 “aircraft noise would increase to the point where there would be a perceived change in the quality of life for occupants.... “ I’m talk to local people a lot, and I see how badly the very few who are backing the airport have been deceived by the promise of the prospective jobs. They are however failing to see that the very few jobs offered by the Cargo Hub will be accompanied by the actual and prospective loss of jobs resulting from mass exodus of the affluent population, with their creative business and spending power fuelling other local businesses. Over a 15 year period, three attempts have been made to make Manston a commercial success, and all have resulted in large financial losses. Several RiverOak CPO bids have already been rejected as being unsound. There have also been six reports by aviation experts as to the viability of Manston as an airport, all reporting the site unsuitable. Thus it’s clear that any attempt to open the airport will fail, but in process irretrievable damage would be inflicted upon this historic and beautiful area. To sum up, no one wants massive airplanes flying over our heads and ten tonne trucks blocking our roads! It will create danger on our roads, poison in our air, sleepless nights for our children. Please stop this madness from happening!