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Representation by Jeni Butler

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned that if this application is successful, there will be significant impact on my health, my income and employment prospects and my quality of life. I live in the Eastcliff area of Ramsgate, close to the airport and directly under the flight path. I suffer from [Redacted], and also have a history of [Redacted[ and other stress-related illnesses. When I moved to the area, almost 8 years ago, I noticed a worsening of symptoms of all of the above. My health was poor and I was unable to work for the first few years that I lived here. I regularly felt stress due to the planes flying extremely low over my house - on a number of occasions I was convinced they would hit my roof or one of the neighbouring buildings. I was often awoken by planes flying over at night, and would struggle to get back to sleep. My [Redacted], which had always been mild, and was mainly induced by exercise, worsened and I needed to take more medication (both frequency and type) and I needed both [Redacted] and medication for [Redaction] (I had never taken [Redacted] or had [Redacted] for [Redacted] before moving here). Since the airport closed, I have been able to stop both the [Redacted] and the medication for [Redacted]. Although I still use two [Redacted] for my [Redacted], rather than the one I needed when I arrived in Ramsgate, I use the blue one much less frequently. I have also been able to gradually increase the work I am able to do and am beginning to get my finances back on an even keel after building up debt while I was unable to work. Currently, my main source of earnings is as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at a school here in Ramsgate. The students come from all over the world. I mainly teach Juniors, who come for short stays with host families. Others teach adults and there is also work for activity leaders and administrative staff. I did not begin this work until just after the airport had closed, but the amount of work available has increased year on year since I began working for them, which I cannot think is a coincidence. Recently, a couple of planes flew low over the school while I was teaching a class. I had to stop, as I could not be heard by my students. The planes returned after 20 minutes or so and I had to stop again. This was a one off situation, but if the airport reopened and had much higher flight numbers than it had before it closed, as is suggested by the RSP business plan, I cannot see how the school could possibly attract students, and it would have to close, resulting in the loss of my main job (and more competition for the supply work in schools that gives me the rest of my earnings) and also the loss of work for the host families, teachers and other staff plus the loss of money that students spend in shops, helping employment across Thanet. A job I was lucky to find before I was able to begin teaching was part time in a shop for handmade gifts. In the last few years, the number of such independent shops, galleries and cafes has increased noticeably, adding to the appeal of Ramsgate, both for residents and, importantly, for visitors. I feel that a dirty and noisy cargo hub would deter visitors from coming to Ramsgate, and these delightful new businesses would close, with the loss of more jobs and vital income, as well as the detriment to the lifestyle of residents who enjoy what they offer.