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Representation by Margaret Mabey

Date submitted
6 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As an individual Ramsgate resident I view the issue of RSP’s application for a DCO of the former Manston Airport site as a straightforward question.

Does their application make a credible business case and more importantly, one which would qualify as a NSIP for a DCO to be granted.

I believe RSP have proved neither and wish to register my objection to their proposals for the following reasons:-

  • there is no business case for a new freight hub when existing airports better positioned than Manston already handle the vast majority of air freight and indeed have spare capacity
  • a dedicated freight hub is not required as most cargo is carried in the belly of passenger aircraft
  • Dept of Transport 2017 reports indicate that freight levels will remain at those of 2016 rather than grow as RSP assert
  • how then will RSP attract the volume of business projected in their plans? My belief is that they will try to undercut other operators by using cheap, noisy, old cargo planes and offer unlimited night flights. The quota applied for is in excess of other airports so it follows that this is their only viable option to attract business away from them.
  • this appears to be a speculative venture and RSP have consistently failed to demonstrate they have anywhere near sufficient funds to begin to develop their plans “ RSP anticipates it will raise further equity and debt finance following the making of the DCO” This is a direct quote from their application and is a worrying plan on which to base an NSIP. Such a huge undertaking should not be left to the vagaries of a company registered in Belize whose only link with Britain is a man who has a history of abject failure regarding previous attempts to operate Manston Airport as a profitable concern.

Without prejudice to the above points, the implications of a DCO being granted are profound for this area :-

severe damage to an historic seaside town and surrounding villages

  • detrimental impact on the health, well being and quality of life for many thousands of residents
  • decline in educational attainment of our children due to frequent lesson interruption and lack of sleep due to constant night flights.
  • damage to and devaluation of property many of which are listed buildings.
  • decimation of our burgeoning tourist industry with resultant job losses
  • significant adverse effects on the environment in general due to noise and pollution, not least to sites of scientific interest e.g. Sandwich and Pegwell Bay Nature Reserve which is a RAMSAR site of international importance.

The future prosperity of a unique and beautiful area is at stake and I urge examining inspectors to end RSP’s “flights of fantasy” once and for all to allow Ramsgate to develop and prosper instead of being stuck in limbo because of the unrealistic and greedy aspirations of a company with no track record of success, no money and no realistic plan