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Representation by Michelle Moss

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned about the expansion of the airport due to the noise and pollution that it will generate. I live close to the seaside town of Herne Bay and a cargo airport will destroy the town and surrounding villages. The noise pollution will harm children's education and the wellbeing of everyone it the vicinity of the airport and any flight paths associated, which will be many as the fights will be running 24 hours a day. If the planning and project goes ahead will the government /owners of the cargo airport pay for all homes to be sound proofed, the same goes for the schools. Will the road infrastructure be improved as the amount of traffic will increase due to cargo being shipped to and from the Airport. The quality of life will be significantly reduced for every person in Thanet and surrounding areas. Thanet is already a deprived area and this will bring more depravation in the long term rather than the positive spin of the jobs it is expected to create, the futures of the children in Thanet will be negatively impacted this combined will turn Thanet into a wasteland. Thanet and Herne bay as seaside towns will no longer exist, tourism will flop, more job losses, more deprivation and a society with no aspirations. What person would want to visit