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Representation by Raymond May

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Submission Points to Planning Inspectorate. Re: RSP’s DCO Application for Manston Airport

Mr Raymond May

I am representing myself/wife

Weakness of Business Case • Geographical Location- Manston is situated at the extreme east of Kent and is surrounded by sea on 3 sides. Transport to London and central parts of England can only go in one direction • Veracity of Azimuth’s claims of need for a dedicated cargo airport in SE England • Azimth’s claims have been challenged by many other aviation experts • RSP claims that the London airports have no spare capacity to meet a growing need of the air cargo market • Nationally commissioned studies of future airport capacity in SE England. Where does Manston stand? • RSP’s claims and forecasts- unrealistic and inflationary • RSP’s financial background? Directors /Investors. Evidence of considerable funding required? • RSP’s Lack of experience in the aviation sector. • Lack of a creditable business plan

Alternative use of Manston Site • Stone Hill Park. The owners of the Manston site. Have a more creditable plan for the site, including housing on a brownfield site

Environmental Impacts

• Noise Pollution • Air Pollution • Night flights......Flight paths. 59% of dedicated cargo ATM’s at East Midlands airport are at night. There were 19,357 freighter ATM’s. This makes 11,420 night ATM’s, or 31 per night. There are no large urban areas near the runway, unlike Manston where the south of Ramsgate, lying under the flight path, has thousands of people (the area starts at 1.2 Km (Nethercourt) to 4.2 Km from runway at Ramsgate sands • Existing urban and village areas under flight path, or close to Manston • TDC 2031 DLP and location on new housing close to airport • Affect on Tourism (Ramsgate heritage assets) • Affect on biodiversity

Consultation by RSP • Confusing messages given, especially concerning night fights, fuel supplies and effects on road traffic. Environmental impacts were played down.

Affect on Road Traffic Movements • Fuel movements • General freight movements

A Personal Perspective • St Nicholas-at -Wade • Minster (nr. Ramsgate)

I have lived at the southern edge of Minster (1.86 Km south-southwest of Manston’s western runway) for 2 years.

We, along with 3,780 Minster residents, will be adversely affected by noise and air pollution caused by the proposed 12,000-17,000 ATM’s that RSP claim will be operating after 20 years. Minster’s boundary is 600 metres south-west of the western end of the runway. The whole of Minster is within 2 Km of the runway.

Formerly, we lived at St Nicholas-at-Wade for 42 yrs. Our house was directly under the flight path of aircraft landing/taking off on western side. The village is 4.75 Km from the western end of the runway. During the 5 years (2008-12) there were an average of 858 ATM’s annually. There were occasional night overflying by cargo planes, on each overflight my wife and I were woken. We are certainly fearful of RSP’s planned 12,000+ ATM’s and the regular night flying that would follow.