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Representation by Kai Toenjes Stringed Instruments & Claire Dugué Hurdy-gurdies (Kai Toenjes Stringed Instruments & Claire Dugué Hurdy-gurdies)

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As residents of central Ramsgate for the last 17 years we have experienced the impact of the airport and particular night flights at first hand. Unlike many of the vocal proponents of the airport we live, work and our children go to school under the flight path and would like to bring the following to your attention. On Noise Ramsgate has on of the highest proportion of period properties in the country and the mere addition of double glazing does not make old buildings, like the one we live in, equivalent to a home built to modern building regulation, sound simply travels through the walls. A plane on landing approach over the town is very intrusive: It interrupts any verbal communication, and the impact is particularly extreme on the schools where lessons are interrupted, the effect on educational outcomes is amply documented. In our work as a musical instrument makers there were many occasions where work was made impossible, we often do need to hear what we are doing and a cargo operation on the scale proposed would have a negative impact on our business. The call for night flights was made by a previous owner of the airport, Infratil a company with a proven track record in the aviation business), and was deemed absolutely essential to their business model in order to run a cargo airport, so any claims that night flights would be limited should be viewed with suspicion. Claims that quieter planes will be used are almost irrelevant when it comes to night flights as any noise that during daytime would not raise an eyelid, would certainly do so in the middle of the night.

On Employment While much is made of the employment prospect for the area that a cargo hub would bring, the negative effects on the area in terms of employment are totally ignored. We moved to Ramsgate, built up our business and raised a family. We contributed to the cultural life by organising concerts and workshop weekends, our customers often stay in local B&Bs, adding to the visitor numbers as well as renovating our home and workshop employing local trades people.The rejuvenation of Ramsgate was and is driven by individuals, small businesses, the self employed who choose Ramsgate for its attractiveness and potential and the benefit to the local economy is ignored. All of this would never have happened under the flight path of a 24 hour cargo hub, if it were approved we would move home and business away from here. Any proposal that is not taking this factor into consideration is fundamentally flawed and should be dismissed. Having followed the saga of the airport under its various owners during the last 17 years, the one predominant theme was the enormous amount of employment it would create. None of the predictions, be it number of flights, passengers, tonnage of cargo or
employment, have ever materialised instead, losses and failures have been concurrent. What do the proponents bring new to the table?