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Representation by Rebecca Wing

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am making this submission in relation to RiverOak Strategic Partner’s (RSP) application to create a 24/7 Cargo Hub with one of the largest capacities in the UK. I am from a 25-year teaching background but now work for a charity that supports young people across Thanet. I also live in Thanet at a location close/under the flightpath, so feel I have a vested interest in this application given I work and live in the area. I was initially an airport supporter, I used the KLM Flights, but could clearly see it was never going to be viable; flights were always less than half full. I took a keen interest in what was happening, which resulted in a change in my opinion, based on hard facts not emotion/sentiment. I STRONGLY OPPOSE RSP’s Application for a DCO based on economic, social, health and environmental concerns, but will focus on a key area of weakness within the application and significant barrier to PINS approval: FINANCE & BACKGROUND I believe PINS has already expressed serious concerns in relation to RSP’s financial situation; or the lack of it! They will need 100 million plus to; buy the land, put in place facilities, infrastructure etc, as well as compensate 1000’s of home owners, business and other organisations that will be directly affected. I share your concerns and hope that PINS will gain greater clarity as to how a UK Shell Company; RSP, based in Belize, that appears to have been created from a previous Company; RiverOak (RO), based in Delaware, (both Tax Havens), with the same personnel and no obvious capital, would be able to progress their DCO. RSP repeatedly state they have spent millions so far, but a simple check on Companies House does not indicate this; do they have any accounts? Having spent 18 months being credit checked for a mortgage a number of years ago, when I had assets, no debt and a salary, I find it absolutely astonishing that this application has been accepted and that it may actually be approved. Given that the key players were previously part of RO, it is important to note here that Thanet’s UKIP lead council under [Redacted], desperate to see an airport back, could not sign this off and make Thanet residents libel for the costs of failure. He lost the Leadership and so this must have been a very hard ‘pill to swallow’. I have serious concerns that the DCO process WILL NOT involve a rigorous process to ensure RSP actually have hard capital in place. I also have serious concerns that if the DCO is approved without RSP having the necessary capital in place, that in the event of failure, the tax paying residents of Thanet, one of the poorest areas already in the country, will be required to ‘foot-the-bill’. I am also extremely disappointed that my response is limited to 500-words, as I have many serious concerns having read the documentation that I have no way of expressing.