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Representation by Hannah Luckie

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My concern as a resident of Ramsgate is that at no point has this application satisfactorily addressed the issues repeatedly outlined by people opposed to this application - namely that night flights have been proven to be damaging to people's health. I honestly don't understand how we can raise concerns which have not been satisfactorily answered and yet this application still progresses.

Since the last stage of application planning, I have not heard back about how they will prevent night time noise, how they will measure noise, and how they will limit negative environmental impact. I have also not seen firm plans of how this will boost local jobs, nor a solid business plan to demonstrate that the airport would be financially successful.

The only conclusion I can draw is that this airport, with noisy, dirty cargo planes with no legal assurances that there would not be regular night flights, would be a severe setback to Thanet which is just beginning to show signs of recovery after decades of neglect. Indeed, given the severe lack of decent housing stock and an influx of people wanting to move to the area, the proposal to turn this into housing seems far more beneficial to the local area than an airport which regular people can't even use.