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Representation by Francis Holton

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the re-opening of the former Airport at Manston on the grounds of the negative effect it will have on the health of people below and near the approach flight paths. The main conurbations affected will be Herne Bay [where I live] with a population of nearly 40,000 and Ramsgate, with a population of around 40,000. There are also villages in the area that will be severely affected. The application applies for a noise quota; what exactly does this mean? From my understanding it could mean that, not only may flights occur at night but that those aircraft may include the noisiest that operate; an obvious threat to the sleep of those in the area. Table 3 P54 of [Redacted] indicates that wellbeing is affected when outside noise levels reach 35dB and medical conditions can occur at levels of 50dB. According to many agreeing internet sources, [e.g.[Redacted],] 30dB relates to the sound level of a whisper and 50dB to moderate rainfall. I did not make any sound level measurements when planes approached the former airport at Manston when it was operating, but from my judgement and applying common sense, all of the wide bodied freight aircraft made sounds above those levels as heard indoors. A study presented at [Redacted] concluded that “…the prevalence of insomnia and daytime hypersomnia was higher in the residents, who are exposed to aircraft noise, as compared to the control group.” The effects of insomnia on the health of people is highlighted on many websites but [Redacted] list the following conditions that can arise as a result: a) Medical conditions: stroke, asthma attacks, seizures, weak immune system, sensitivity to pain, inflammation, obesity, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and heart disease. b) Mental health: depression, anxiety, confusion and frustration. c) Others: Increase risk of accidents, affect performance at work or school, sex drive, memory, judgement and shorten life expectancy. An article referred to on the NHS website [Redacted] suggests that carbon monoxide from aircraft exhaust increases the incidents of asthma and heart problems within a surprisingly large area around an airport. The harmful effects of NOx and particulates, which are emitted from all forms of combustion engines, have been well publicised recently following the recent road vehicle diesel scandal. I believe that many of the people in favour of the airport don’t remember the level noise the aircraft make, don’t realise that night flights are probable and don’t appreciate the massive size of the operation that is planned. I also question the need for this airport as there are already cargo hubs (e.g. East Midlands, Stansted) that operate and have spare capacity. In summary, I am concerned of the many risks that day and night aircraft noise and pollution may cause to the health of tens of thousands of people that the re-opening of the former Airport at Manston will cause, especially as this re-opening is unnecessary as existing airports can cope with demand.