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Representation by Anne Peers

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a Ramsgate resident I am writing to oppose the granting of a Development Consent Order applied to install a cargo hub airport on the former Manston airport.

I do not have technical knowledge in this field - my comments are based on a long term knowledge of Thanet and in particular Ramsgate.

Installation of a cargo hub airport with flights as detailed by RSP would inflict air and noise pollution severely affecting residents who live within 5 miles of the site. It would impact on the whole economy of Thanet and its dependence on tourism. Enthusiastic groups are meeting to take Thanet foward to a better future. A marina village within the bounds of the only Royal Harbour in the UK situated in Ramsgate is currently being investigated. Our fast train link to Kings Cross has brought many new inhabitants to this area and consequently new investment is taking place within the business parks.

Historically neglected by government this part of Kent is now improving. Our listed buildings, Georgian and Regency, are visited and appreciated. Tourism is increasing with our art galleries, pavement cafes, Ramsgate tunnels opening up. The nature reserve at Pegwell Bay which is listed as an SSSI attracts walkers, bird watchers, school children. All this will be under threat if a DCO is approved.

[Redacted], Thanet North MP, has always promoted flights for Manston and each time a commercial aviation company has taken this on it has failed. Passenger flights failed because the catchment area is not sufficient to attract customers. Thanet is on a peninsular and geographically not suited to cargo landings. Far better they are taken to the airports currently accepting cargo and which state they have more capacity than is used.

I hope that PINS will make a decision on solid evidence presented to them and reject this application.