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Representation by Karen Constantine

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I write as an individual resident, and as a District and County Councillor for Newington and Ramsgate.

Manston has never been a successful airport. It has failed repeatedly. Several recent reports have been conclusive that it can not work as either an air cargo hub or as a domestic airport.

I cannot see, any efficacy in the new RSP plans. Firstly I do do agree that their is a robust business plan. I do not see sufficient evidence of finance in place.

Nor do I see a need for cargo. Given that my own research indicates capacity at all London airports and also at East Midlands air port. Which is ‘set up’ with a full infrastructure access to a road network that serves England.

I am also concerned that our Thanet and Kent roads will be come clogged. Not only by freight trucks but also by fuel tankers.

I am utterly opposed to an air cargo hub at Manston. It will devastate Ramsgate.

I moved to Ramsgate 6 years ago. I have invested considerable time, effort and money into a beautiful Regency building. Which is very close to the flight path. I have a beautiful balcony- which looks across a fantastic Regency square. It’s looks across the English Channel and we can often see France. Our enjoyment of this beautiful and uniquely historic area will be absolutely ruined if we are under the flight path.

I am extremely concerned about the impact on tourism. The impact on health, especially with regard to particulates in the air. Also the noise which will have an extremely negative impact. I work from home and the noise will be a huge disturbance.

As a County and District Councillor these concerns are magnified in n the positive interests of the Residents that I represent. Which is the ward of Newington at district council. Also for Ramsgate at County level.

As a County Councillor I would draw your attention to Kent County Council’s submission for extension of flights at Gatwick - in west Kent. In the west of our County our County Council were utterly opposed to any additional flights during the shoulder periods. This was due to the negative impact of sleep disturbances.