Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Patricia Finch

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my concerns for the opening of a cargo airport at Manston. This would make a significant change to the lives of so many people in Thanet. With the amount of flights day and night going to and from Manston in 24 hours. The noise would be unbearable to each and everyone in the flight path, meaning everyone would be losing so much sleep each night and not being able to concentrate on their jobs the next day. This would make a particular difference to my Husband, who usually as to drive a distance to work each day before the work day begins, so obviously I am concerned about is tiredness and the impact it will have on him. I am especially worried about the impact of having disturbed nights on my Grandchildren and their schooling and many other children in the area as well. After having been woken up through the night and then the noise during the day when the teachers are trying to teach. They will not be able to concentrate properly and may not fulfil their true potential due to lack of sleep. The pollution and risk of our health is also another concern, which I and many others are worried about with the amount of flights which are planned in 24 hours. With all of these flights there is going to be a significant amount of traffic on our roads on top of the ever increasing figures now, making it even harder to get in and out of the area. The quality of life for everyone will undeniably change and not for the better if this is allowed to go through. Tourists will not be wanting to come to the area therefore many businesses will see a decline on their livelihood, as a lot rely on holidaymakers. All in all I think it would be a bad move for this to go ahead.