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Representation by Ramsgate Coastal Community Team (Ramsgate Coastal Community Team)

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We ask that PINS examine more closely the socio-economic benefits claimed for the Development Consent Order and the effect that the noise and low-frequency vibration, and visual impact of low flying planes might have on the economy of Ramsgate and on its population with particular regard to employment and the built-environment.


The long-term ambition of Ramsgate Coastal Community Team is to see Ramsgate thriving, with a strong, mixed economy that meets the needs of its residents. We oppose RSP’s application for a Development Consent Order on the grounds that re-opening the now closed airport would have a deleterious effect on the town of Ramsgate and on the health and well-being of its inhabitants.

RUCATSE’s 1993 report for the Department of Trade and Industry on runway capacity in the South East of England found Manston did not merit detailed assessment and was unsuitable for development as a major airport because of its proximity to the town – a conclusion confirmed by the recent Airports Commission. If it was unsuitable for development when it was open, it is not reasonable to consider re-opening the airport with a vastly increased number of incoming and outgoing flights.

Ramsgate is the largest of the three towns that make up Thanet. It shares common characteristics with coastal communities around the country: high unemployment, low educational attainment, poor housing stock. RCCT wants more employment and training opportunities for local residents but we believe RSP has overstated the socio-economic benefits of its proposal and that any new jobs it might offer would come at the cost of jobs lost elsewhere in the economy. The impact RSP’s development might have in terms of disturbed sleep, disrupted lessons, deterioration in heath would undermine the economy of the area.

Historic Built Environment:

All Ramsgate is a Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) - not just the obviously picturesque Royal Harbour and Pugin’s Grange but also the many listed domestic dwellings. Historic England is currently conducting an in-depth study of Ramsgate with the aim of using our historic built-environment to support the development of a sustainable mixed-economy.

RSP has dismissed the impact of noise on the town’s listed structures, consistently overstating background noise, and concluding that “… aviation noise is not considered likely to give rise to any perceptual change in the setting of the area.” RSP has not given consideration to the visual impact of low-flying planes over the seafront, town centre and residential areas nor to the effect low-frequency vibration might have on fragile built structures. Since the closure of the airport, there have been signs of improvement in the town. It has begun to attract new residents who care about the Regency, Victorian and Edwardian housing stock, who bring with them new skills and employment opportunities that we need to build a sustainable mixed economy. This trend would not be sustainable in the face of increased aviation noise and the other dis-benefits a revived airport would bring.