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Representation by Graham Redwood

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am extremely concerned about this proposal, particularly with regard to the impact of noise and night flights. There is no cap on the number of night flights proposed, and the overall noise quota permitted would allow for extensive use of night flights with a potentially devastating impact upon the people of Ramsgate.

The supporting information provided by the application is neither robust nor internally coherent. The noise contours quoted are contradicted by information from Thanet District Council regarding the previous operation of the airport, and the modelling relies on various assumptions that are more hopeful than realistic.

The applicant's statements on night flights have not been consistent. Their importance to the operation has been played down, yet at the same time the business case described clearly relies on attracting cheap freight business, which generally takes place at night. For example free night flights are given as a reason for choosing Manston over East Midlands Airport. It's difficult to avoid concluding that the applicant is not being entirely direct about their intentions - why else would they want night flights to be uncapped?

My family and I have lived in Ramsgate - under the proposed flight path - for nine years and were here towards the end of Manston's previous use as an airport. The noise of night flights then was extremely detrimental to sleep and quality of life, and they were nowhere near what would be possible under this proposal. It could, quite frankly, destroy the quality of life of many residents and much of the unique charm of the town.

The economic case presented is weak anyway, and fails to take into account either the consistent record of failure in attempts to run Manston as a commercial airport, or the many informed studies (such as those by Avia and York Aviation) indicating the likelihood of similar failure in the future, and the structural reasons for the airport's non-viability. The only body of work disagreeing with these is the Azimuth report whose accuracy and objectivity has been called into question.

Most importantly however, the decision to consider this DCO fails to take into consideration the opportunity cost involved. The area in question has new owners with a solid business plan and intention to invest in the development, homes and jobs that Thanet actually needs. There is a currently a huge problem with insufficient housing and Manston is right there able to address it, under the ownership of a company with the will to address it. It seems insane to sacrifice that to a poorly thought out attempt to appeal to some local nostalgia, at the expense of our children's sleep and health.

I strongly urge you to reject the application and allow Thanet to finally have the appropriate development it needs.