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Representation by Darcy Thomson

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am strongly opposed to the Manston Cargo Hub. Reasons:

The effects to physical and mental health of noise pollution and disturbed sleep will create an array of social problems in an area that is already struggling to cope with the issues of deprivation.

The negative effect on education and young people; disturbed sleep creating learning and behaviour difficulties. Not to mention, the disruption to teaching in schools under the flight path. The airport will have an a catastrophic effect on their development and life chances.

A cargo hub would wipe out tourism to the area. Tourism has created jobs & business opportunities for local residents. There are now new independent shops, cafes, restaurants, creative industries, boat trips, tunnel tours and other attractions.

People outside area have traditionally bought and renovated listed buildings and thus not only assisted in the regeneration of the area but also created employment.

Thanet has the highest number of listed buildings in England. There has been no consideration to effects on an area of architectural importance and Heritage. Pollution and turbulence adversely affect listed buildings and many listed buildings cannot undertake the soundproofing/glazing that would be necessary to cope with the noise. We should be promoting our heritage and encouraging tourism rather than putting it at risk and creating an environment no-one would wish to visit.

The business case has not been properly thought out and inaccurately reported. It is apparent that the only way the airport could be viable would be by ignoring guidelines regarding night flights and noise pollution. Indeed RSP admit this would be the case in their impact report.

There is NO robust evidence of any funding in place to secure the project.

Information to residents has been overloaded & misleading in many reports often with conflicting content. It has been hugely difficult for the layman to understand what the proposal actually is.

Residents have not been properly informed of impact, with many supporters believing this will be a small airport with a few passenger flights (quiet planes, daytime flights and lots of jobs for local people), this is not the case.

The amount of jobs created may be no more than by a mixed-use site and will be negatively affected by the loss of jobs in tourism and creative industries that have begun to flourish in Ramsgate.

Targets of our local plan state that there must have a certain amount of new housing. If these targets are not met on land at the Manston site, farm/green land in the centre of Thanet will have to be used.

Environmental concerns for wildlife, Pegwell salt marshes are recognised as rare and important habitats. Air pollution from air traffic affects a wide area, this and the increased road traffic connected with a freight operation will have a detrimental effect on this habitat.

The Cargo hub would be a disaster to the area on every level and to date, residents have not been given concise and accurate