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Representation by Martin O'Hara

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my strong opposition to the Manston DCO application, there are so many red flags this application raises that 500 words is insufficient, so here are but a few:-

A business case based on fantasy numbers that fly in the face of recent history, time and time again we have seen these projected fantasy numbers for Manston, abject failure resulted each time. Manston has been reviewed many times by industry leaders and the governments airport review and discarded. I find it odd that a business case for a NSIP is driven by a one person consultancy operating from a residential address.

Funding. The funding documents provided by the proposer in the application are worthless and without merit. Twice the proposer has been unable to demonstrate verifiable funds to Thanet District council, on a limited basis let alone for the investment they propose in the application and/or for the blight costs they will incur. Clearly they do not have the funding.

Corporate structure. Offshore tax havens, closed share registers, Swiss fiduciary companies, concealed ownership. Red flag after red flag. [Redacted]

Wilful misrepresentation by the proposer of local support for this proposal, at a basic level you only have to walk the streets of Ramsgate to see the thousands of posters against this proposal, I counted 2 in favour.

Wilful misrepresentation by local MPs of the support for this proposal. Our local MPs have closed ears in respect of this, despite the evidence they have clearly decided to promote this scheme.

Wilful misrepresentation of the impact of this proposal by our local MPs. Our local MPs, in the face of the evidence within the application itself, refute that there will be night flights and/or detriment to the living conditions of those that they represent.

An inappropriate relationship between our elected representatives and the proposer, too cosy by far, they have decided to represent the proposer (proudly) in this case rather than the local community, have not scrutinised either the DCO application and/or the current owners plans with an open mind.

Destruction of the quality of life for those living beneath the flight path. I had the council noise monitor on my roof, readings are in excess of 100 decibels, this is not acceptable day or night.

A devastating impact on the local wildlife and environment.

A devastating impact on the education and life chances of young people, disturbed sleep, interrupted lessons, long term health issues due to noise and pollution.

A devastating impact on the tourist trade and the jobs they provide. A devastating impact on the built environment within Ramsgate, pollution/noise/turbulence

An overstatement of the jobs this proposal will create. Time and time again they project utterly ridiculous employment numbers, time and again they fail.

Obfuscation, the proposer throughout this process has deliberately sought to sow confusion, make it harder to understand and hide what the impact of this proposal will have on the local community. They continue to do so to date.