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Representation by Sarah Rowse

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply dismayed by the prospect of Manston Airport reopening under the proposals put forward by Riveroak Strategic Partners (RSP) and wish you to note my strongest possible objection. As a resident of Ramsgate of some 6-years, having moved to the area from London in 2012, I have seen this once run-down seaside town begin to regenerate and develop into an attractive place to work and live, in which the tourist industry is starting to take route, attracting domestic and international visitors and families to the beautiful, historic, safe, quiet and tranquil town, harbour and coastline of Ramsgate. The positive regeneration that can be observed, with creative businesses and independent shops and cafes opening in recent years boosting employment and the local economy, would be entirely destroyed, were RSPs disastrous, duplicitous and economically flawed plans to reopen Manston as a 24/7 cargo hub, be approved. There would be an exodus of people like me from the area, since the noise and environmental impacts that it would bring, would be entirely intolerable. Having lived here long enough to to have witnessed first hand, what it was like to have planes roaring overhead as they descend into Manston in 2012, it would be nothing short of disastrous to the health and well-being of residents of Ramsgate, were a 24/7 cargo hub to be approved. I live in a Grade 1 listed building with single pane windows, and the windows, literally shook. Allowing ANY flights - day or night, would significantly affect the quality of my life and health, along with that of my fellow residents of Ramsgate (see any number of independent studies on the negative health affects of living next to an airport, as evidence). Aside from the intolerable noise and environmental pollution that cargo flights would bring, I urge the examining authority to interrogate closely the flawed claims on noise and environmental mitigation measures RSPs are proposing, and the erroneous economic projections it has included in its proposal. They simply do not stack up and are nothing short of mistruth and misinformation - particularly the economic business case and financial plan. Take RSPs claimed lack of capacity at other airports - this is a fallacy RSP are putting about. It has no track record and I urge the Inspectorate to get independent expert advise that will thoroughly interrogate the proposal. In short, a decision to approve a 24/7 cargo hub would be nothing short of disastrous - it would mean the death knell for Ramsgate.