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Representation by Antonia Courcier

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to submit my objection to the development of Manston Airport as a cargo hub. I live in Ramsgate with my husband and two children. I am concerned about the proposed development for several reasons.

Firstly, I have a diagnosis of [Redacted] and I believe that reopening Manston airport will negatively affect air quality. I am very concerned about the environmental impact of large vehicles on transporting fuel on public roads to the airport for the cargo hub and the potential safety risk this will pose.

Secondly, I own a small business in Ramsgate. My business relies both on residential and tourist trade. Tourism to Thanet has increased in recent years because of the natural beauty of the area, the beautiful architecture and the associated developments of cafes, shops and galleries in the region. I believe that Ramsgate will not be an attractive place to visit by out-of-area visitors if there are cargo planes flying overhead and I know that many locals will leave the area if the cargo hub opens. My business will not be sustainable in this scenario which will be a loss not only for me and my family but also for the community that relies on it.

I know that there is a national housing shortage and an alternative plan was proposed for the site which proposed housing and other infrastructure such as public transport, schools and leisure facilities.

The alternative plan would also have provided many jobs for an area which has a chronic issue with unemployment. I believe that the potential for job creation if Manston was opened as a cargo hub are over-exaggerated. And because of its lack of housing and job creation, the cargo hub is not an application of National Strategic Importance and so is not suitable for the DCO process.

I am a primary school teacher and I am very concerned about the long-term negative impact a cargo hub would have on children growing up in the area. I think we would see a loss of investment in the area, a degradation of air quality, reduced employment, a sharp drop in property prices and a dramatic fall in the quality of life of Thanet residents.