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Representation by Sean Farrell

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is from Sean and [Redacted]. We have lived in Ramsgate for more than three years. Our house is directly under the proposed flight path and our[Redacted] daughter’s school is close to the flight path.

Ramsgate, along with other towns in Thanet, is undergoing a revival based on increased tourism, creative industries and small businesses. This revival would be harmed or killed stone dead by frequent cargo flights over the town. People won’t want to visit a town with bad noise and air pollution. Businesses would close. It’s not just the flights – Thanet’s roads are not equipped to cope with the extra heavy freight traffic that would result from having a cargo hub. RSP’s document admits there would be a significant adverse impact on Ramsgate residents. There is also no sound business case for a freight airport at Manston.

When we and other people moved here the airport was closed or closing and in any case it wasn’t a freight airport. Thanet District Council has every reason to encourage a plan for Manston that would create jobs and enhance people’s lives but TDC does not support the plan. The inspectorate should listen to the local council. RSP and its supporters are not coherent and their communication has been terrible and deliberately obscure. The document builds in capacity for night flights but the local MP [Redacted] has told residents there will be no night flights.

Ramsgate residents, especially children, would suffer if RSP’s plan went ahead. RSP has no stake in the local community and is not credible. Its team is made up mainly of bankers who worked for a Swiss bank. The only person with any airport experience is [Redacted] who is 72 and worked for Wiggins – which went bust. RSP have employed a barrage of consultants to promote a dubious, predatory plan that holds no benefits for local people.