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Representation by Tracy Macassey

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to represent myself as a Ramsgate resident who believes the health and welfare of my family and the community will be adversely affected in a huge way should the proposed reopening of Manston airport for use as a UK cargo hub take place.

Physical Health and Wellbeing As a young family with children aged [Redacted] we moved to Ramsgate from London in 2017. One of the main reasons for moving to the coast was to ensure that our children were exposed to a better quality of air.
The air pollution in Ramsgate will decline massively with the introduction of heavy cargo planes flying low over our homes and our children's schools. I am informed that the planes will fly as low as 150 metres above my daughter's playground. It is simply shocking to think that this could even be something the government would consider. When Manston was previously operational SEL readings from the noise monitor recorded levels above 90Db - and there have been significant studies stating airport noise can adversely affect the performance of children learning at school (Clark C. Aircraft Noise Effects on Health: Report Prepared for the UK Airport Commission. Report Number 150427. There are over 10 schools in Ramsgate that will be directly affected by the introduction of planes flying overhead.

Mental Health and Wellbeing The mental health and wellbeing of the community I believe will also decline massively with the introduction of regular cargo planes flying overhead. I live in a grade II listed Georgian property, one of many listed properties in the town. With original features including windows in many of these beautiful period homes, the noise levels throughout the day and night will be insufferable.
The applicant RSP based its noise assessment on 17100 air traffic movements. They also based their environmental assessment on 8 flights per night, however they have applied for a noise quota of 3028 QC which is significantly more. Luton airport has 2645 QC points which equates to 7450 night flights per annum, or 20 per night. To have this number of planes flying over such a beautiful town that is steeped in history and which boasts the only Royal harbour in the whole UK would be completely insane.

Regeneration of Ramsgate Being one of the many people that have moved to Ramsgate from London with a young family harbouring ambitions for a more healthy lifestyle, a more enriching environment for children to grow up in and being given the opportunity to purchase more affordable housing, I am hugely disappointed by the news of a possible cargo airport nearby. This will deter people like myself who are contributing to the diversity and regeneration of the town from moving here therefore halting a really positive growth to the area.
Tourism and many of the new businesses that have successfully opened to cater for the increase in visitors will decline. Who wants to visit a beautiful historic royal harbour that has huge polluting planes flying overhead every 15 minutes?

Financial Viability There have been numerous reports by York Aviation, Falcon Consultancy, Avia and Kent County council to name a few that all state for various reasons Manston will never succeed as a cargo or indeed a domestic airport. One of these reports cost the taxpayer £50,000, yet at residents we are still in a fateful positon where there is an application by RSP being seriously considered. This just seems utterly ludicrous. The small increase in jobs proposed by the applicant will be a massive false economy in regards to the overall wealth and welfare of the town and its residents.