Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Christine Pye

Date submitted
10 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In response to Manston Airport, my representation cover the following points. I would like to see Manston Airport reopened, to provide jobs which is crucial for the East Kent area, which is at the moment an employment black spot. We do not need another 4,000 houses, totally ridiculous, I cannot park now at Ramsgate, Margate, Herne Bay, Broadstairs , or Deal on a normal day, at weekends or in the height of summer it is totally impossible with frayed tempers, and we are looking at another say 12,000 people? I now take the train to travel from Ramsgate to Margate as it is quicker - a journey of 4 miles takes me 45 minutes by car it should take 10 then I cannot park, so I take the train or walk. Infrastructure:- doctors, dentists, schools, roads, rail links where are all these coming from? Reopening Manston will see much employment. Cargo will be able to come straight into Manston, we have the roads M2, M20, I will be able to travel anywhere in the world from Manston, as I did before Manston closed. I do not wish to spend 4 hours on the M25 hoping there is not an accident and I don't miss my plane, nor do I want to expend a night in a hotel to ensure I get my flight on time. WE have the longest runway at Manston, and a new runway is to be put in Heathrow? How much more will that clog traffic up, East Kent will become a run down sink estate, rife with problems. - I cannot believe the logic here. Social engineering has not been thought out here in East Kent, far too many diverse people to live in harmony. Already in East Kent, we have too much anti-social behaviour, not enough Police and it will only get worse. Opening Manston will bring jobs, jobs for the future of our children who will struggle to get a job in East Kent, apprenticeships, aero engine production, technology and a healthy working environment stops anti-social behaviour. Nor should we forget, Manston is a historical site, many brave men left these shores never to return fighting for our freedom - do we not owe this to them, or as corporate greed really taken over.