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Representation by Nessa Warner

Date submitted
11 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It is acknowledged that sleep deprivation is a form of torture. The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours sleep every night, to function at their best. Children and teenagers need more.

I would like to add my voice to the protest against the re-opening of Manston airport either as a cargo or passenger hub. Unfortunately, my house is directly under the flight path, which fact I did not know when I bought the house nearly 5 years ago. Had I known, I would not have bought the house and may not even have moved to Ramsgate. The first time a plane flew over my house on its descent into Manston it was so low I thought it was in distress and on a course to crash!

I had previously lived in Twickenham and while still 8 miles from Heathrow, when the occasional plane would be given permission to land during the "no night-flight" times between approx. 11pm and 5am I would always be woken from my sleep.

I moved from London to get away from aircraft noise, as I had anticipated the approval for a third runway at Heathrow and to have a better quality of life on the beautiful Kent coast. Flights going over my home here would seriously impact my health. I suffer from osteo-arthritis in my spine which condition can be inflamed by stress and planes flying over my house day or night would aggravate my condition exponentially. I have not even touched on the effects which air pollution would cause.

While I am only one person to have moved into the area I believe I contribute to the local economy. I have carried out renovations to my home and employed all local tradesmen: Builder, roofer, architect, gardeners, electrician, plumber, plasterer, carpenter, painter/decorator, window cleaner. I shop in local independent businesses. I have attended local college and privately run courses. I have started up my own business. Ramsgate needs people like me who contribute to the growth of the area. More and more people are moving to Ramsgate on the back of the influx of people into Margate. Ramsgate has become a desirable place to live. Witness the rise in property values.

Should the airport at Manston be reopened there will be an exodus of those on whom the regeneration of Ramsgate relies.

Apart from any impact to my personal health, the Thanet Coast is an area of Special Scientific Interest, which is covered by International designations. An independent survey should be carried out to assess the impact of aircraft noise, vibrations and air pollution on the land, wildlife, flora and fauna. It would be criminal to allow any harm to come to this beautiful part of Kent.

Nessa Warner