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Representation by Leslie K Bell

Date submitted
11 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly support the development of a major cargo hub, passenger operations, general business and leisure aviation, training and engineering at Manston. I will argue that the area does not have the infrastructure, land , jobs or services to cope with a major housing development which will only aggravate these problems. Thanet has the highest unemployment and child poverty in Kent, it desperately needs the high grade, permanent jobs and careers and the economic fallout that an airport is proven to provide. South England desperately needs a lot of additional runway capacity, quickly. World trends and particularly UK cargo trends after Brexit are towards much more long-haul cargo and dedicated freight aircraft. The London Airports cannot give the slots that cargo operators are clamouring for because of passenger traffic. Millions of pounds worth of freight business is trucked all over the UK and down to the Channel ports in order to be flown out of continental airports that can handle it, and back the other way, this looses the UK a huge amount of money, clogs up the roads and Ports with trucks and pollution and inhibits trade and exports. Manston as an airport will address all of these problems but the major benefit to Thanet will be the good quality training and STEM jobs that will be made available as the airport developers work hand in hand with local Colleges, Schools and Training providers. The financial benefits of a successful Airport are well documented and this prosperity will filter out from Manston, into the suppliers and workforce of all of Kent and beyond. Manston sits on top of Thanet's water aquifer and as an airport with all the open ground that it needs, protects the aquifer in what is officially a water stressed area, an operational airport will put the land to very good and beneficial use for the local people, industry, training and the Country whilst protecting the water supply.