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Representation by Stephen Roberts

Date submitted
11 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My name is Stephen Roberts and I live in Ramsgate with my wife, [Redacted]. Our house would be directly under the flight path, if the DCO for this airport was successful.

There is no necessity to blight Ramsgate and surrounding areas with the noise pollution and air pollution that this airport would bring.

The close proximity of the airport to Ramsgate would be catastrophic to the lives and wellbeing of the citizens of Ramsgate.

No airport should be built so close to an existing centre of population. The effect on the health of the population, particularly children, would be appalling.

The details of the application for the DCO make it perfectly clear that the only possible way this airport could be run profitably, would be to have as many night flights as possible.

The consequences of night flights on the health, mental and physical, of the children has been amply demonstrated in many studies.

Personally, I am taking medication for an [Redacted] and I am currently [Redacted]. I am worried that the constant noise, consequent sleep disturbance and air pollution would worsen my condition.

In fifteen years, there have been three attempts at making a commercial airport at Manston profitable. None has been successful. It is situated in the wrong place. An excellent position for fighter aircraft defending the country. Not good for a commercial airport, as was found by the previous owners.

Another failed attempt at running a freight airport at Manston will have dire consequences for Thanet as a whole. Apart from the houses that could be built there, the threat of an airport is holding back sorely needed investment, job creation and sustainable development in Thanet.

There is no fuel pipeline, so all fuel will need to brought in by road tankers. These, together with the number of lorries which will be needed to move the freight arriving by plane, will produce even more pollution.

The local roads would not be able to cope with this additional volume of traffic, without massive investment in infrastructure. RSP mention improving the roads, but there are no details about when, or where the money would come from.

Finally, Thanet and the surrounding area is nationally important for the conservation of wildlife, with many Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserves and Special Areas of Conservation. All of these are put at risk by the noise, air, soil and water pollution arising from this proposed airport.

If this DCO is successful, it would be a disaster for Ramsgate and for everyone who lives here.