Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Rob Harrison

Date submitted
12 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am so cross that this is still an. Issue. Since I have lived in ramsgate, the airport has been a constant source of bewilderedment to me. Enabling night flights, and cargo in general will add nothing to the local economy bar a few low paid jobs. Clearly Thanet needs jobs but to think that aviation is the answer is madness.

Since I moved here 7 years ago I have seen consistenet migration to the area based on the natural qualities contained therein, and have seen zero need for a cargo hub which would at best make money for the owners and at worst destroy the ongoing increase in popularity from London commuters and tourism growth, not to mention increased business as a result of the increase in people moving here. This area needs grass roots regeneration which is what Ive seen happen over the last few years. Adding noise and pollution will kill that feeling that local people have that this is a community that can and will grow over time. We are seeing that happening now. Foreign investors do not know what is best for our area, they only see a business model which relies on night flights plus unwanted day flights.

Since this strategic air base from ww2 has been handed over to private industry it has never made a single penny in profit. There is a reason for that. Its not a good place for a commercial airport. If we were to be invaded, then its ideal for us to defend from but as a commercial venture its madness. The roads are average to poor to London and the rest of the country ty and it just isn't clear as to the benefit this will give local people Extreme thought must be given to this. Its not as simple as it looks. Make ramsgate more than just an airport.