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Representation by John Mills

Date submitted
12 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir As a resident living on the Nethercourt estate I am extremely concerned as to the impact the proposed cargo airport will have on me and the people of Ramsgate. Having lived through the previous attempts to make the airport viable I know the height at which these planes come over the estate to be able to land, which is extremely low. As cargo planes are usually twice the size of passenger planes the noise will be extremely excessive leading to sleep deprivation. I am also concerned with the effects it will have on air quality. With the world as a whole trying to reduce carbon emission and green house gasses this is not the way forward having a purely cargo airport. Space could be utilised much better on existing passenger aircraft for cargo. Not only just the emissions from the planes Ramsgate will have an increase in traffic with tankers bringing in aviation fuel. I urge you for the health and well being of the people of Ramsgate and the world to reject this proposal.